Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rolling the dice at the dvd machine

After the first couple of days of the week you really dread going to the redbox or dvdplay machines.  The reason is because you have seen all the good movies already.  You have netflix but the new releases that you want to watch won't be available for the next thirty days.

The only movies left in the machine are the ones that you skipped on purpose because they didn't look like they were any good.   So your only choice is to tough it out and take home a movie that you know is marginal or chalk your trip up as a waste of time.

I must admit that sometimes you come across a movie that you skipped and it turns out to be okay.  I didn't pay attention to the cry of the owl a couple of times, but decided to rent it one day and it turned out to be a real winner.  You never know what you are going to get when you roll the dice at the dvd vending machine.

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