Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to save on dvd rentals

Do you really like to watch movies? Are you spending a lot of money on entertainment?
If you are spending on entertainment you might want to get a library card and start going there to save some money on dvds. Sure the selection is not as large as some of the video rental stores and kiosks but the price is right.

One other benefit of using a library for your entertainment is the time that you get to keep the material. Instead of getting a dvd for a day you might get to keep that movie for 2 weeks. Another benefit of using the library is that instead of getting one disc in series you can get all the discs at one time. For example, if you rent battlestar galactica from netflix you will have to get the discs one at a time. If you go to a library you could get the complete series in one trip. If you have high speed internet access you can watch the series online with netflix but the picture can get jumpy sometimes or the sound can be off bit on a rare occassion. The onilne streaming service from netflix has continued to get better over time.

The downsides of using the library can be numerous. The movies that you want might not be available. There are only so many copies that the library might have on hand. If it is a popular title you could be waiting a long time to get it. Check to see if there is a waiting list and get on it early before it fills up.

If you are renting a lot of videos from the video vending machines like redbox or blockbuster express consider signing up for information on the website. They give information about new releases movie dates and promotion codes that you can use for a discount on movie rentals. You might get a free movie rental or maybe even a two for one discount. They give you discount codes that you can enter at the kiosk. The discount codes will have an expiration date so make sure to use them before the time expires. Another thing to remember is the time that you have to return the movie. You don't want to cut it close to the return time. If you get to the store and there is a line of people ahead of you it could cost you another nights rental fee.

Start paying attention to how you are spending your money. Save a couple of dollars by using your library. You might not get a chance to watch new releases on the first day but you can save some money.

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